Think there’s no meaning to fairy tales besides the prince rescuing the fairy maiden? Think again. I should probably make clear from the beginning that this post is about modern day fairy tales. The original fairy tales are not always so happy…. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, try looking up the original version of almost any fairy tale and you’ll see what I mean.
Modern day fairy tales, however, are much different. Think of your favorites. What were their core messages and values? And what meaning did they leave you with? I’ve outlined 12 Ideas you can Steal from Fairy Tales and insert into your personal mantra below. Let’s get started.
- Love is the answer. Think of any fairy tale. Got it? What happens in almost every ending? Some type of love saves the day, whether from a parent, a friend, or more often, a prince. This idea is one I find to be very true and one of the main reasons fairy tales are so popular.
- A makeover can change your life. This one is not quite as deep, but it is very fun. Who doesn’t love the feeling of a fresh haircut or an outfit that makes you feel like you can conquer the world? Even better, in fairy tales, it doesn’t happen every day. It’s a special event that transforms the character into a new purpose and a new life. It’s the symbolic beginning of a new stage of life that’s really fun, too.
- Magic is all around us. A newborn baby, flowers in the spring, rain on a tin roof, starlight, true love. Life. Magic really is all around us, if you take the time to see it.
- The underdog can win. This doesn’t happen only in fairy tales. What’s your favorite hobby? What do you enjoy doing? Your favorite sport? Think about it for a minute and then look it up along with the words “miracle” or “underdog.” No matter what it is, there’s an underdog story. There’s your inspiration for today!
- Friends can appear at the most unexpected times. They really can. I have only a few people I truly consider my best friends and they all showed up when I was least expecting it. Friends that show up at the most unexpected times are usually the best, BTW.
- And stick with you through everything. Ever gone through a difficult time in your life? Did your friends stick with you? If not, they weren’t your true friends. Please refer to #5 above because it simply means they are on their way.
- Anything can happen. Anything can happen. At any time and to anyone. Need I say more?
- Traveling is a good way to enrich your life (and possibly get yourself killed). There’s nothing like travel to lead a person to new ideas, adventures, and paths. Travel is the best and easiest way to build self-confidence and love for the world around you. Do it!
- Good always triumphs and Evil never wins. The pure and sweet and meek can make it. It’s the foundation of almost every fairy tale I can think of. It’s a valuable moral and a true one.
- Animals can be your best friend. How many characters in fairy tales receive help from animals? Yep, a lot! In fact, I can’t think of a single fairy tale that doesn’t have an animal hero. Doubt this one, too? Look it up. Animals have done some amazing things.
- There are a lot of scary things out there… There are. This one is one of the truest. Top three, definitely. There are a lot of scary things in this world. We live in a world with many, many flaws.
- But in the end, everything is going to be alright. This my favorite and, in my opinion, is the best idea to steal from fairy tales. Coming from a religious point of view, as I do, it’s incredibly true. If I could take only one idea from every modern day fairy tale, it would be this one.
Still think there’s no value to fairy tales? I find them to be invaluable. All 12 of these are ideas I would love to steal from fairy tales and insert into my daily life. And I try to. What ideas do you steal from fairy tales? What are your favorites?